We strictly recommend the following 3 simple steps when you're sending the Transaction to the Decision API endpoint:
1. When a transaction is created, you send it to us for verification, in the response from us you get the decision:
- Pass the transaction to the bank (i.e. "accept")
- Check the transaction manually before sending to the bank (i.e. "manual")
- Block the transaction (i.e. "reject")
2. When the transaction has gone to the bank, you receive a response from it - whether it successfully passed it or not, this response must be transmitted to us using POSTBACK API: https://covery.ai/docs/#postback-api
3. All further changes in the transaction status: refund, fraud or chargeback must also be transmitted again to the Covery platform using POSTBACK API: https://covery.ai/docs/#postback-api
If you have any questions, please contact us.